โš™๏ธToken Builder

Now you will learn how to create the token

To generate your token click on the token builder, the network options will appear, choose the network you want to create.

After selecting the desired network, choose the token that best suits your needs. More information about token models can be found here: https://app.gitbook.com/o/Quh7N6Tri9DnCwlsWDoK/s/cYqz2A8xzc4FaP3CY7z0/~/changes/48/contract-templates-available

In this example, we will use the Standard Token

โš™๏ธ Fill the Token Name: โš ๏ธ Don't use unicode or special characters Ex: XFBotest

โš™๏ธ Fill the Token Symbol: โš ๏ธ Don't use unicode or special characters Ex: BOTest

โš™๏ธ Fill the Total Supply: โš ๏ธ Don't use dots, commas, and spaces Ex: 1000000

โš™๏ธ Fill the Token Decimal: โš ๏ธ Recommended 18 or 9 Ex: 9

Whale Protection System: Set the maximum quantity of tokens a single wallet can purchase

Set the quantity of tokens that can be used in a single transaction

โš™๏ธ Fill the Marketing Wallet: โš ๏ธ This is a wallet where a portion of the set buy and sell tax goes

Fees - Here, the fees for your contract will be defined, and you will decide the destination percentage. In this example, it was set as follows:

  • 2% on sales for liquidity

  • 2% on purchases for liquidity

  • 2% on sales for the marketing wallet

  • 2% on purchases for the marketing wallet

Total contract fees = 4%"

Ready, now you're just one click away from deploying your token on the Mainnet (Testnet in this example).

Ensure everything is as planned and click "Deploy Now'."

Last updated